Essential Products


If I were stranded on an island and only allowed to bring 10 essential beauty products, these are the ones I would take with me. I use each of these every day & encourage you to try them if you have not already.

Origins has always been my favorite beauty brand. They are natural & gentle but effective in both skincare and make up. I was introduced to this face wash “Checks & Balances” in 5th grade and have used it since. It is the most cleansing face wash for oil, make up, and dirt but does not leave you feeling completely stripped – the perfect balance, hence the name. My face is so accustomed to this cleanser that if I go one day without it, my skin will let me know.

Richy introduced me to this Formula 10.0.6 toner that has stopped breakouts before they even surface. It is an intense toner with salicylic acid that can pull everything out of the pores. 5 stars from me!

Now let me tell you about my favorite product I recently discovered via Richy’s mom (thank you Lilly). Eight Hour cream by Elizabeth Arden (the queen of skincare) can fix literally anything – pimples, sun burns, cuts, rashes. This product is technically 3 items but I grouped them as one because I can not live without any of them. The original eight hour cream, the hand cream, and the lipstick – will all solve any issues your skin brings up. I would refer to this brand as magic in a bottle or maybe even the 8th wonder of the world. I don’t know what is in this stuff but I know it works. You can get this three pack at Macy’s for $35.

Trader Joe’s creates my favorite lotion that has ever existed. The Coconut Body Butter/ Fall edition Pumpkin Body Butter, is the creamiest and most delicious smelling lotion I have ever used. Every time I wear it I get asked about what perfume or lotion I am wearing because it smells incredible. To make it even better, this lotion is $5 and will last you a month. I buy this stuff in bulk and highly recommend you try it out.

I found these complexion perfecting pads by Nassif MD in a Fab Fit Fun box and learned that they are true to their perfecting name. With glycolic acid and lactic acid these pads quickly show a massive improvement in skin tone, breakouts, and an overall glow.

If you deal with tired eyes & dark circles I would suggest this caffeine solution. It brightens and awakens the eyes making mornings easier. Pair this with a cold jade roller in the morning & your face has already gained an extra 2 hours of sleep.

Mario Badescu’s drying lotion will make a pimple disappear overnight. This is a gift from the skin care gods, swing by your nearest Ulta and pick up a bottle.

This is another Fab Fit Fun find that I now use religiously. This conditioner treats the hair while untangling it and adding shine. This one ranks #1 on my hair care list.

Every time I walk into an Ulta I grab a pack of the Earth Therapeutics Hydrogel Patches. I have been brand loyal to these for about 8 years so you have my word that these are worth it!

Trader Joe’s tea tree cleansing pads are a natural way of removing all bacteria and clear up any flare ups. These are $3 for 60 pads and do their job well. One of my favorite Trader Joe finds!

Thanks for reading along and let me know your own essentials!

-oxox Danielle

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