Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner – Quick + Healthy

Home Cooking

I try to meal prep as best as I can, but with quarantine being the current norm I can settle for something quick but not in a glass container. I try to keep our meals high in protein, low in calories, and most importantly simple. Here is is this week’s menu.

Breakfast – Avocado Egg in Hole

Ingredients – Avocado, Egg, Bacon, Colby Jack Cheese, Salt & Pepper, Hot Sauce

Instructions – The name speaks for itself. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, scoop out a little to make a wider space for the egg (but not much), crack the egg into the hole, and bake for 15 minutes at 400 degrees. Pull the avocado out, sprinkle some sea salt & pepper, crumble a piece of bacon, and drizzle some hot sauce. Quick & easy and only 257 calories with 77% coming from a healthy fat.

Lunch – Deli Wrap

Ingredients – Spinach tortilla wrap, a dip/spread (I either use chive cream cheese or La Terra Fina spinach artichoke parmesan dip), deli turkey, deli cheese (I use provolone), romaine hearts, thin sliced tomatoes, bacon, and salt/pepper/seasoning.

Instructions – This one is my go to simple lunch. All you have to do is lay out the wrap, spread your dip, and cover the wrap with all the other ingredients. Then tightly roll up the wrap and make pinwheel slices. My favorite part is sprinkling the “everything but the bagel” seasoning from Trader Joe’s. This wrap takes 5 minutes and is beyond tasty.

Dinner – Grilled Salmon with Pineapple Mango Jalapeño Marinade & Sweet Potato

Ingredients – Salmon filet, marinade (mine is the 505 Southwestern Pineapple Mango Jalapeño), seasoning (I use Uncle Chris), salt, cinnamon, and sweet potatoes.

Instructions – This one is a savory but healthy dinner. We typically purchase the fresh cut Costco salmon, but due to shipping shortages we settled for their frozen filets and they turned out great. Put the sweet potatoes in the oven at 450 for 55 minutes and then take the seasoned salmon to the grill and cook to your liking. Cut the cooked sweet potatoes open and sprinkle some Himalayan salt & cinnamon and even brown sugar if you are feeling fancy. Once the salmon is finished grilling, top it off with the marinade and your meal is complete!

Snack – Grilled Pineapple with cinnamon

Ingredients – Pineapple & Cinnamon

Instructions – Cut the pineapple into spears, sprinkle cinnamon on top, and grill each one until it is a golden brown. This is a snack Richy started making and now I eat 24/7. It is sweet and such a “dessert” like treat.

I try to switch it up every week, so stay tuned for the next healthy & quick menu.

-oxox Danielle

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