The “Feel Better Box”

Therapeutic Self Care

I have always been intrigued by self help & self care. I think this started with my Grams showing my mom how to self help through trigger points/essential oils which got my wheels turning. I have all the basic tall girl problems – flat feet, knee issues, scoliosis, no slight curve in my neck, and a hip that is higher than the other – you get the point. So instead of always relying on Advil and staying in pain I decided to do some self help research. That is when the “Feel Better Box” was born. It is a mixture of items to help various pain issues and has been beyond helpful over the years.

Self help is a great thing to know about, but it is way better when you share it with others. I am all for anything that helps other relieve pain, so I have put together a list with links of some of my favorite things in our “Feel Better Box”.

Electric Heating Pad – A heating pad is a pretty basic household that is essential for pain relief. Applying heat to an area increases the blood flow, bringing along proteins and oxygen. Heat therapy is great for decreasing joint stiffness, reducing pain and inflammation, and relieving muscle spasms. It is also a relaxation tool as it soothes any tension in the body.

Biofreeze – This is the holy grail of cold therapy. Biofreeze is a pain relieving gel that provides the same effect as ice, in a convenient, portable form. It uses menthol to stimulate cold receptors that create a cooling sensation on and under your skin, helping to quickly relieve pain. Invest in a bottle and thank me later!

Wooden Foot Roller – If your feet ache because your job has you on your feet all day or because you do not have a natural arch, this foot roller will be your new best friend. Foot massage improves circulation, stimulates muscles, reduces tension, and often eases pain. This product is designed to target trigger points in the arch and heels with its nubs & grooves on the roller kneads. You can use this while sitting at your desk or watching TV making it an easy form of relief.

Muscle Roller Stick – A $9 solution to ease and condition muscle soreness, aid recovery, and reduce stiffness/pain. Press the stick against your pain ridden area, add pressure, and run it along the muscle. The stick is comprised of a bar with rollers which allows it to glide smoothly across your body while conforming to the shape. It stretches the muscles and ligaments, removes lactic acid, increases circulation, and repair muscles.

Muscle Stimulator – This electric device will make you feel like you are a physical therapist in your home. TENS units work by delivering small electrical impulses through electrodes that have adhesive pads to attach them to a your skin. These electrical impulses flood the nervous system, reducing its ability to transmit pain signals to the spinal cord and brain. You can select the frequency, duration, and intensity on the device depending on your pain level.

Dead Sea Salt – I have also talked about this gem in my bath routine post because it is that good – it is a luxury version of epsom salt. Dead Sea Salt’s unique mineral composition gives this salt its therapeutic qualities for skin care. While most sea salts are primarily Sodium Chloride; Dead Sea Salt is comprised of 21 beneficial minerals including: Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Bromide and Sulfur. Pour a large handful of Minera Dead Sea Salt into a warm running bath for a relaxing and detoxifying soak. Settle in to relive stress, stiffness and/or ease muscle aches and pains. There are a lot of fake “Dead Sea” salts out there, but Minera is the real deal – the same 100% pure, mineral-rich salt used in spas and treatment centers around the Dead Sea in Israel.

Eye Pillow – This item quick way to unwind while using some of the other products I have discussed. I always put this in the microwave for 30 seconds, lay it over my eyes, and let the aroma of the warm lavender put me in a relaxation trance.

Lacrosse Ball – Most people think that a tennis ball rolling on your back is a way to relieve pain, but a lacrosse ball is the best since it is not too hard, but does not buckle under too much pressure. You can use this between your back and the wall/floor to roll out some knots without needing another person’s help. I recommend having one at your work desk to use against the back of the chair while typing or even doing conference calls because it is so discrete, yet powerful. Do I know how to play lacrosse? Hell no. Do I own a lacrosse ball for pain relief? Hell yes.

Weighted Eye Mask – Weighted eye masks improve both the quantity and quality of your sleep when compared to traditional eye masks. Like a hug for your face, weighted sleeping masks apply even pressure on and around your eyes and pressure points. This alleviates tension, improves relaxation, and helps you drift off to a peaceful sleep. The combination of blocking out harsh light with acupressure is beneficial against headaches and migraines.

Origins Wrap – Origins is the #1 store for beauty, skincare, and therapeutic items. Their “Feel Good Hug” is a product my mom and I can not be without. They use a mixture of essential oils in a weighted body wrap that can be heated up and put on your neck, shoulders, or body for heat therapy.

Arch Support – If you suffer from flat feet like me, you will love these arch supports. They are designed with a gel pad at the site of your arch and will instantly remove pressure from metatarsals and increase comfort. They can be worn barefoot, with socks, or even within certain shoes.

Toe Stretchers/Separators – Our feet bear all of our weight and tension every single day, but we never think to stretch them – until toe stretchers/separators. It’s basically a jelly-like contraption with a hole for each toe. They help with foot pain, realignment of the toes, and balance.

Herbal Heating Patch – Ladies, these Rael natural heating pads are perfect for that time of the month. They are all natural heating patches that adhere to your skin for menstural relief that is discrete. You can wear them to work or while lounging around the house for 6 hours of gentle heat therapy.

Compression Socks – Compression socks are known for promoting blood flow, diminishing swelling, and improving lymphatic drainage. After a long day of being on your feet, compression socks feel like Heaven.

Magnesium Roll-on – Magnesium has many muscle relaxing qualities, from regulating neuromuscular signals to balancing calcium levels within the body. By rubbing this roll-on on the affected area it can relax tight muscles, soothe and refresh overused joints, and create a pleasant warming/cooling sensation.

Foam Roller – A classic, and sometimes painful, therapeutic item. Foam rolling can be beneficial for easing sore muscles, reducing inflammation, and increasing your range of motion. I mainly use my foam roller for the side of my hip and lower back. To use your foam roller for lower back pain, turn your foam roller so it’s vertical (in-line with your spine) and slowly roll the roller from side to side, still in line with your spine. It will take some deep breathes, but the relief is worth it.

Let me know if you use anything for your own self help or have any questions about any of the products I use!

-oxox Danielle

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